Astrology is an ancient (5,000 + year) system for understanding our place in the universe and our life on Earth. Astrology not only shows us how we are an integral part of Earth’s biosphere, but it also gives us information about how to navigate our unique life in accordance with the rest of the Earth and our solar system. It reminds us that we live in, and are definitely a part of, an interconnected universe.
Seeing is believing. If the interpretation of your chart resonants with you and gives you some understanding of your life, then use the knowledge you receive and see if it makes a difference. Is your life fuller, more interesting and more conscious? Then it worked. If it doesn’t work for you, don’t believe it.
Astrology used to be part of the science of Astronomy - it charts the heavens. Astrologers use technological information to draw up astrology charts. But it is also an art – the art of discovering the archetypal meaning of the planets and how their energies effect Mother Earth’s biosphere – her waters, the animals and trees, the air, and humans. Astrology shows us the energies of a moment in time. It is up to the astrologer to interpret those energies in the best possible way for you.
If you mean does it make you be someone you’re not, then no. Look around. Everyone is different and unique, although we can see that there are different character types. We can’t be all things. What astrology does is explain how you individually use certain energies available to all of us. If you’re born in early Spring, you might be an Aries. That sign shares similar characteristic to the season of Spring – newness, rebirth, lots of energy that wants to be expressed in life. Earth’s seasons influence who we become just as much as the planetary energies do. It isn’t Fate as much as being a human expression of a part of Earth’s lifecycle, with a dash of planetary spice to make us unique. What you do with that life is up to you.
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