Cathy Pagano, M.A.
Women's Transformational Coach
Jungian Psychotherapist
Women's Transformational Coach
Jungian Psychotherapist
Cathy offers on-line classes and workshops throughout the year in a variety of subjects. Click to see what her current offerings are and schedule today!
Psychotherapist, astrologer, author, coach, and teacher, Cathy Pagano has worked with the gifts of the Feminine Spirit for over 40 years. These gifts include our creative imagination, our emotional intelligence, our instincts and our intuition. Her knowledge of feminine consciousness, expressed through dreams and symbolic language, mythology and archetypes, shamanism and spirituality, helps her clients access the wisdom of their souls. In these uncertain and transformative times, accessing Wisdom allows people to discover their own balance and inner harmony between the masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies of life, to make wise choices and to contribute to our collective welfare.
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