There are many ways to explain how and why astrology works. It is a science in that we measure the connections planets make to each other. And it is an art which demands that we understand how energy works as well as the archetypal meaning of those energies.
Astrology has been around for over 5,000 years. Philosophers, doctors, scientists, artists and rulers have used the measure of the planets moving through our skies as a way to tell time and understand the meaning of that time.
So, why Astrology? First you have to believe that we are all connected energetically – to Mother Earth, Father Sky and to each other. We are children of Earth, even though we have forgotten that most important fact. And even if we aren’t conscious of the fact, we are participating in the biosphere of Earth.
That means even the planets are connected to us. Just as the Moon and her cycle influences us. Astrology is the blueprint of the energies at play in the solar system at the moment of your birth. You need to know the date, time and place you were born to calculate your birth chart. This sets you up in a specific place on Earth to receive those celestial energies.
When I read someone’s chart, I can see how they might use the energies – how they think, what they need to feel secure, how they relate to others. I can also see the great cycles of change and transformation that they went through or will go through.
Astrology is really good at seeing when they might have to confront issues in their lives. But a good astrologer never says how that confrontation will turn out, because this part is up to the client. We have free will and choice, and our choices determine how our life goes.
But an astrologer can tell you about timing rhythms, in a general sense, and help you be more aware of your choices.
When you understand who you are and how you move through life, you also begin to understand the other people in your life and why they dance to a different beat. Life and people become more interesting.
Astrology can also be used to plan an event, like a wedding or an operation or the best time to start a business. And it gives us a general overview of what’s happening in the outer world at any given time.
Astrology marks and interprets the fluctuating energies of life. The more we know about what those moments hold for us, the easier it is to choose the best path to a joyful, fulfilling life.
And it’s a great way to not only plan rituals but to shape those rituals around the energies available at the time.
If you’re intrigued by astrology, I can say its the most objective profiler of the human psyche. Your chart changes and grows as you do, so it shows you a constantly evolving understanding of your soul’s purpose this lifetime. Book your personal Astrology Reading today!
What exactly is Astrology? You may have some questions as to what this is all about and why you should care. Take a look at some frequently asked questions answered by Cathy Pagano herself!
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